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Lymph Node Group Ultrasound

Ultrasound of lymph node groups is an examination that allows for the assessment of the size of lymph nodes, their parenchymal structure, and their arrangement relative to other tissues.

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Ultrasound of lymph nodes is an examination that allows for the evaluation of the size of specific lymph nodes, their parenchymal structure, and their arrangement relative to surrounding tissues. Ultrasound of lymph nodes is an imaging test that uses the properties of ultrasound waves of a specific frequency. Emitted by a special probe, these waves penetrate the body and reflect off organs and tissues. The echo returns to the device, which converts it into images visible on the monitor. For lymph nodes, it is possible to examine any group, such as ultrasound of cervical lymph nodes, axillary lymph nodes, or inguinal lymph nodes.

Indications for Ultrasound of Lymph Node Groups

There are many indications for performing ultrasound of cervical or inguinal lymph nodes. The first concerning symptom is usually their enlargement and tenderness. This may be a sign of:
  • bacterial infections (tonsillitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, scarlet fever, staphylococcal infections, dental caries),
  • viral infections (mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, HIV, chickenpox, shingles, measles, rubella, viral hepatitis),
  • autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis),
  • drug hypersensitivity,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • certain cancers (leukemia, lymphomas),
  • metastatic cancer.

Contraindications for Ultrasound of Lymph Nodes

Ultrasound of inguinal, axillary, or cervical lymph nodes is a completely safe, painless, and non-invasive procedure. If there are medical indications, it can be performed even in elderly individuals, children, or pregnant women, as it does not involve any harmful radiation. The only contraindication is fresh, extensive wounds or burns in the area being examined.

How to Prepare for Ultrasound of Lymph Node Groups

Ultrasound of lymph node groups does not require special preparation from the patient. However, it is recommended to bring previous medical records and wear clothing that allows easy access to the area being examined. Before the test, you can eat, drink, and take your usual medications. The exception is an ultrasound of lymph nodes located in the abdominal cavity – in this case, fasting may be necessary.

How is Ultrasound of Lymph Node Groups Performed?

Ultrasound of cervical or axillary lymph nodes is not a complicated procedure. The patient assumes an appropriate position (usually lying on the examination table) and exposes the area for examination. The doctor applies a gel to the skin to facilitate the penetration of ultrasound waves and places the probe on the skin. The image is immediately visible on the monitor: the probe is gently pressed against the skin and moved in various directions so the doctor can view the lymph nodes from multiple angles.

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